Essential Rules for Girivalam in Tiruvannamalai: A Devotee’s Guide

Essential Rules for Girivalam in Tiruvannamalai: A Devotee’s Guide
  • Jun 15, 2024

Essential Rules for Girivalam in Tiruvannamalai: A Devotee’s Guide

Essential Rules for Girivalam in Tiruvannamalai: A Devotee’s Guide


Girivalam, the sacred practice of circumambulating Arunachala Hill in Tiruvannamalai, is a revered spiritual journey for devotees of Lord Shiva. This pilgrimage involves walking a 14-kilometer path around the hill, embodying deep devotion and reverence. To ensure a respectful and fulfilling experience, it's important to follow certain rules and guidelines. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the essential rules for performing Girivalam, helping you navigate this holy journey with reverence and safety.

The Spiritual Significance of Girivalam

Before diving into the rules, it's important to understand the spiritual significance of Girivalam. Devotees believe that walking around Arunachala Hill is akin to worshipping Lord Shiva directly, as the hill itself is considered a manifestation of the deity. This practice is believed to cleanse one’s karma, bring spiritual growth, and bestow divine blessings.

Essential Rules and Guidelines for Girivalam

1. Maintain Silence and Reverence

Rule: Observe silence or engage in soft chanting throughout the walk.

Why: Maintaining silence or softly chanting mantras like "Om Namah Shivaya" helps in focusing the mind on the spiritual aspects of the journey and respecting the sanctity of the path.

2. Walk Clockwise

Rule: Always walk in a clockwise direction (Pradakshina).

Why: Circumambulating in a clockwise direction is a traditional practice in Hinduism, symbolizing reverence and respect for the deity.

3. Respect Sacred Sites

Rule: Show respect at all sacred sites and temples along the path.

Why: The Girivalam path is dotted with significant spiritual landmarks. Paying respects and not causing any disturbances honors the sanctity of these places.

4. Dress Modestly

Rule: Wear modest and comfortable clothing.

Why: Dressing modestly shows respect for the sacred practice and the other devotees. Comfortable attire is also practical for the long walk.

5. Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

Rule: Refrain from consuming alcohol, tobacco, or any intoxicants before or during the Girivalam.

Why: Girivalam is a sacred activity that requires purity of body and mind. Intoxicants are considered impure and disrespectful to the spiritual practice.

6. Stay on the Designated Path

Rule: Stick to the designated Girivalam path.

Why: Staying on the marked path ensures safety and respects the established route. Deviating from it can be unsafe and disrespectful.

7. Be Mindful of Waste Disposal

Rule: Do not litter. Dispose of waste properly.

Why: Keeping the path clean maintains the sanctity and beauty of the environment. Carry a small bag for your trash and dispose of it in designated bins.

8. Carry Essentials Only

Rule: Carry only essential items like water, light snacks, and a small first aid kit.

Why: Traveling light makes the walk more manageable and ensures you have what you need without being burdened by unnecessary items.

Safety Tips for Girivalam

1. Start Early or Late

Tip: Begin your walk early in the morning or late in the evening.

Why: These times are cooler and more comfortable, especially during the hot months.

2. Stay Hydrated

Tip: Carry enough water to stay hydrated throughout the journey.

Why: Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining energy and health, particularly in hot weather.

3. Walk in Groups

Tip: If possible, walk with a group.

Why: Walking in a group provides support, safety, and enhances the spiritual experience.

4. Wear Comfortable Footwear

Tip: Wear sturdy and comfortable shoes.

Why: The Girivalam path can be uneven and long. Proper footwear helps prevent injuries and fatigue.

5. Be Aware of Your Health

Tip: Listen to your body and take breaks if needed.

Why: Overexerting yourself can lead to health issues. It's important to pace yourself and rest when necessary.

Practical Advice for a Fulfilling Girivalam

1. Plan Ahead

Advice: Plan your journey, including the start time, the route, and rest stops.

Why: Planning helps ensure a smooth and well-organized experience.

2. Engage in Spiritual Practices

Advice: Use the time to meditate, chant, and reflect.

Why: Engaging in spiritual practices enhances the sacredness of the journey and deepens your connection with the divine.

3. Connect with Fellow Pilgrims

Advice: Respectfully interact with fellow devotees.

Why: Sharing experiences and supporting each other can make the journey more enriching and spiritually uplifting.


Q: What is the best time to perform Girivalam? A: The best times are during full moon days (Pournami), Karthigai Deepam festival, and Maha Shivaratri. The cooler months from October to March are also ideal.

Q: Can I perform Girivalam barefoot? A: Many devotees choose to walk barefoot as an act of devotion, but comfortable shoes are recommended if you’re not accustomed to walking long distances without footwear.

Q: Are there any facilities for food and rest along the Girivalam path? A: Yes, there are several stalls and small eateries where you can buy refreshments. However, it’s advisable to carry your own water and light snacks.

Q: Is it safe to walk the Girivalam path at night? A: While many pilgrims walk at night, especially on full moon days, it is safer to walk in groups and stay on well-lit paths.

Q: How long does it take to complete Girivalam? A: It typically takes about 4-5 hours to complete the 14-kilometre circumambulation, depending on your pace and the number of stops you make.

Wrapping Up

Performing Girivalam in Tiruvannamalai is a deeply spiritual and transformative experience. By following these essential rules and guidelines, you can ensure a respectful, safe, and fulfilling journey around the sacred Arunachala Hill. Embrace the spiritual significance of the walk, stay mindful of your actions, and let this ancient practice bring you closer to divine grace. if you are looking for a place near girivalam you can contact us - daga developers

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