Things to follow during Girivalam

Things to follow during Girivalam
  • Oct 14, 2022

Girivalam is a monthly Holy walk performed on the ‘Pournami’ Full Moon Day around the Tiruvannamalai ‘Hill’ the Giri. Unlike other circum ambulation which are usually performed around a deity or a sanctum sanctorum Girivalam is performed around the Tiruvannamalai hill which is itself Lord Shiva.

Here are the most important things to follow during Girivalam

1. Perform Girivalam with People

It is always good and divine to perform Girivalam with your Friends and Family other than performing it alone.

2. Chant Arunachala hymn

During the Girivalam avoid talking or chatting unnecessarily, keep chanting the ‘Arunachala Shiva…’ hymn

“Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Aruna Shiva

Akshaya Linga Atma Linga

Tejonmaya Vigraha Linga

Iha Para Sukha Dayaka, Esha (Sai), Iha Para Sukha Dayaka

Om Namah Shivaya, Shivaya Namah Om”

3. Avoid Footwear

This is the most important and foremost rule that you should follow. Never wear any kind of Footwear during Girivalam. Remember you are not going around a temple but climbing around on Lord Shiva himself.

4. See Arunachala Peak

Through out the Girivalam keep an eye on the Arunachala Peak, if possible before every step you keep to seek His blessings. Looking at the peak will also give you the energy to keep your next step.

5. Feed Animals

Try to buy some ‘Pori’ and ‘Biscuits’ for the monkeys and dogs on the path and feed them.

6. Carry Necessary Food

Buy enough water and some little eatables to eat and drink while you walk.

Note: Remember you are performing the holy Girivalam not as a pleasure trip but to seek blessings from Lord Arunachaleshwarar so avoid playing around, respect the Siddhars and Sadhus you cross don’t make unwanted comments on them.

‘Wining you a Hold & Divine Girivalam’

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